PV Program and Dash App

Connection to the Bluetooth Module

After installing the app on your Android or iOS device from Google Play or Apple Store, please start the app and hit the menu button in the left top corner. From the opened menu, select Settings and tap the Connect.

Once the Bluetooth scanner opens, please select PowerVeloCity-i from the list. If you don’t see it on the list, please make sure the Bluetooth module is power up.

Note: The Bluetooth module requires no pairing from Android or iOS wireless settings! 


This procedure should be performed only if voltage, temperature, or distance readings in the app are off or, otherwise, not working.  Therefore, the calibration menu is normally not visible.

To access the calibration menu, while the app is running and connected to the Bluetooth module, go to Settings, scroll down and double tap Start Screen: Dash/Map (Beta) label. This will open the calibration menu as seen on the screenshot below.

Voltage: Adjust this parameter to the actual voltage of your battery as measured by a voltmeter

Temperature Calibration: The correct value for all external Bluetooth modules modules is 6800. Some older internal modules need to have this parameter set to 1100.

Reference voltage: Set this value to 4.08

After all values have been adjusted, please tap Calibrate button to write them to the Bluetooth module.

If you need to reset the the odometer, tap on the Reset Odo button.

Throttle Calibration can be used to trim throttle voltages when the throttle is connected via the Bluetooth module.

Note: You can use sliders for adjustment or type numbers directly after tapping on a corresponding value.